Monday, March 19, 2012

Two Years Ago...

Two years ago, this month, we saw the very first picture of our youngest son. There was something about his smile. We knew the Lord had chosen him for us.
This was him then..............
This is him now. Wow! What two years can do! He is a precious, precious boy. It amazes us, how the Lord hand-picked this child for our family.
Our prayer;
"Lord, if You see fit to send us another child(ren), we are your servants and willingly to accept him/her/them! You love life. You are the life giver and we will serve and honor you in this way.
Amen and amen!!"


  1. Steve says He knows the Lord has other children for you.... after all, that van isn't full yet!!!

    1. Tell Steve that he just made my day!! I will hold those words in my heart and prayers!! :0)

  2. I'll tell him!

    Really truly, there are enough needy kids out there!! If you can handle the heartbreak of foster care, it's hard to see lil buddy's family not working to get Him back...
