The twins are nine years old today!
This is the day they turned two!
In my seventh month of pregnancy with them, the doctor had some concerns. They sent us to a University hospital in the city to do some extensive tests. Well, the tests confirmed two, severe things wrong with our babies. They said that our baby boy was Down syndrome. They said that our baby girl had spina bifida and would probably never walk. They gave us the option to "quietly" abort them. I told them,"Thank you very much, but I have a God who can take care of all things!" During the time in the hospital, we needed someone to stay with our other three children who were six, three and two. So we brought along Rhett's mother to stay at the hotel with them. Little did we know, she was having health problems herself. After we left the hospital, we went to pick up our children and Rhett's mom, to go home. We didn't tell his mother what we learned and we are thankful, because that next week she was in surgery for a quad-bypass and a new valve.
Were we shocked at the tests of our babies? We prayed, gave it ALL to the Lord and went along with our pregnancy. Well, Rhett's mom came through her surgery and was recovering, when I went into labor a month early with our darlings. I was in the c-section room, just in case. My labor went well, without any pain meds. There was a crew of doctor's and specialists in the room, because my babies needed care....or so they thought. Nathan, was born first. When I heard his cry....I knew he was fine. They checked him over and were shocked!! They said, "He is as normal as any other baby!" Rhett, squeezed my hand and sent up a huge thank you! The doctor helping me deliver told me to rest awhile before the other baby would come. I calmly told him, "She's not waiting...she is coming NOW!" He helped me with all of my babies and so he knew that I knew what I was talking about! All of the specialists were there, ready to take my baby girl who had spina bifida. She was so small that her little bottom popped out first...she was folded in half! She was showing the world that she had been healed! The doctor pulled her out and the other doctor's grabbed her. She was screaming her little head off! At the end of her back, where her little bottom started, was a long purple scar. The doctor's were baffled. They checked her and checked her and said she was perfect! The Lord healed her and to this day she has a scar where the spina bifida was. She runs and plays with everyone! Oh how the Lord was with us! The month that the twins turned one, my brother had a heart transplant. His life was spared for his family! The Lord is with us and I feel His presence every day and night!
Here are our twins, who we were told couldn't lead a normal life. I believe in miracles, as you can see these are two right here...........
They are our little miracles!
Happy Birthday Nathan and Ellie, what a blessing you are to us! May you always follow the Lord Jesus in all that you do!
What a testimony. Miracles still happen.