Friday, December 7, 2012

"The Beautiful Story"

The Beautiful Story
~ as told by my husband Rhett.....
So I had a great experience at work last week when working with one of my students.  In fact, this student is the son of some of our closest friends.  To begin, you need to understand that learning comes at a little slower pace for this child than other children. Nevertheless, his positive attitude and elbow grease help him succeed in his own special way.  So, the story...
  He had just finished partner reading with another classmate when I witnessed him say to his partner, "_ _ _(other student),_ _ _, _ _ _(waiting for his attention), I appreciate you reading with me-thank you_ _ _."  The other child looked at him with a bewildered look and said in a questioning tone, "You're welcome?"  I think the other student was wondering what the proper etiquette would be after being treated so kindly by one of his own.  What should his response be to an exchange so formal and respectful?  He was dumbfounded!
As soon as the children were at recess I immediately went to his homeroom teacher to relay this very heart warming and sweet story.  Time Out: You might be thinking, Big Deal! One student was nice to another!  That's not shocking.  Okay, I beg to differ with you.  A student who is genuinely appreciative of another in this way never happens in school the way I saw it in my classroom a few days ago with this boy.  There was a true spirit of love involved.  In 15 years of teaching I've never seen it.  Okay, back to the story.
I relayed the story to the homeroom teacher who was very pleased, but amazingly not surprised!  She has had similiar experiences with this special little person.   She said he treats people with a genuine touch all the time with his words and actions.  In fact, some of the teachers have joked that he is like a "Little Jesus."
Hmmmm.....I guess God's children are really God's children.  It doesn't matter what cards they've been dealt as long as they have a love for Him and a heart for His people.  Could it be that the little ones in our lives who seem, for the lack of better terms-"missing something" actually be the hidden treasures in this dying world.  I'm not saying this little person is perfect, but, I do believe that his character is actively transforming into the image of his Savior.
I wonder if he is more advanced in this department than his reading teacher...?  Maybe most of us...?  I don't know, but he has had an impact on some of the people who get to help him and teach him on a daily basis.  He might even be having an impact on his peers!  I'm sure he is!  Thank you Lord for the little lessons in life that turn out to be pretty profound.

1 comment:

  1. Awwww... He is very sweet that way, isn't he?! He loves people And loves to talk. He's very spiritually sensitive and we all appreciate that about him, and we aren't surprised at his actions at school. I guess we are kind of used to him and were reminded by this to cherish his gentle, loving nature and his kind heart. We are more surprised At the response of people ( little Jesus ?! ) ... I love that kid. It's good to know he is doing his best and living what he knows to be right. I have been thankful for his openness towards the Sprirt in his life recently. Thanks for sharing.
