Friday, January 4, 2013

Adoption, GYC and the Hospital.....again!

Well, how do I write all of the things that have been going on around here? Where do I begin?
We have been in the process of re-adopting Seth, here in the states. We were able to work with a lady, that has adopted before and knew how to write up all the legal documents we would need to do this. So, week before last, Rhett and I went into the court house and filed our papers. We made the court date for last Friday. We had to leave for GYC that day too, but we thought we could fit it all in!
I was nervous Friday morning. I was praying that I had all the paperwork and it could finally be final! So, our clan went there early and was sitting in the court room, waiting for the judge. My sister-in-law, Tina came in, just a few minutes before the judge entered the room.
So, there we were....anxiously anticipating this day.....
Then we hear..."All rise!"
I said a small prayer and stood.
The judge asked us to come to the front, Rhett and I went up.
This judge...not only did she ask Rhett and I questions about adopting Seth, she brought each one of our other children up in conversation and asked them, too. The whole family adopted him! It was so neat! She kept saying that this adoption was the best thing she would do all day. She said she doesn't get to do things like this much. It couldn't have gone smoother. I am so glad that it's done!
So, after that we went and picked up a couple of our friends who were going to GYC as well. If you don't know what GYC is, it's a HUGE Adventist Youth Convention. It was held in Seattle this year and I don't think that city will ever be the same! There were 6,000+ people there. It is so amazing to be in a group of believers like that. Words can not explain it. We met up with old friends, new friends, all kinds of friends my kids knew. People I didn't even know would be there....such a neat experience! I gotta favorite part, and it's hard to choose, but my favorite part was......seeing and hearing that many youth, parents, people young and old, singing their hearts out to hymns. There wasn't a show, there wasn't a band....there was complete love and reverence for the Lord. Oh I LOVED that part!!!
Bummer was...I had an asthma attack, lost my voice and I couldn't sing the last two days, but I could listen!!!
Saying good-bye to everyone was hard. We packed up Tuesday morning to head home. The two mountain passes we have to go over to get home, couldn't have been better weather. The next day they closed one of them down, because of snow! God was leading.....,but that's not the end of the story!
The next morning, Tuesday, Rhett was back at work and Garhett started another quarter of college. I decided to start school with the other kids, this coming Monday. So, we went out to get apples, produce, dog food. We were on our way to the Health Food store, when my phone rang. Mitchell, answered it, because voice is gone. I hear the voice of my nephew, from next door. Mitchell, was trying to make sense of what he was saying and said, "Mama, he has to talk to you.. he's frantic!"
I put it on speaker and squeaked out, "Start talking!"
By then he was somewhat calmer...but this is what he said," Aunt Trina, Momo had a heart attack! She is at Costco and she needs her Living Will papers!"
In my mind I am thinking...calm Caleb down....turn around...go home and get him...
Then he says," Can you call Uncle Trent? What do I do?"
I pulled over and told him I would be right there..I called my brother-in-law, who is in the state over from us. He knew my voice ( I don't know how, because it was a squeak!), stayed very calm and said to keep him posted.
So, on my way home to get my nephew....I didn't know if she was alive!'s the story...
Dawn, my mother-in-law, had gone to her swimming/aerobic class that morning. My sister-in-law and two of her kids, picked her up from that and went to Fred Meyer, walked into two different banks and they were on their way to Costco. Dawn, said she was pretty tired, but would go into the store anyway. They parked across from the exit to the store. She had a cart and was getting her wallet out when she told Lana that she was feeling dizzy.....Lana got behind her and started yelling, "Help Me! Help Me!" Lana, got her to the ground (still on the outside of the store) A lady who was going into the exit runs over and starts doing CPR, another man runs up and starts doing chest compressions. Another lady grabs blankets out of her car and a Costco worker asks if they wanted him to get the paddles. They said,"Yes!"
The CPR, chest compressions and shocking her heart once, got a pulse. Within five minutes the ambulance was there and they got the tube down her and into the ambulance. By the time we got to the hospital she was starting to open her eyes. She was coming to, but the tube stayed in her for awhile. She could answer our questions by nodding her head yes or no.
So, the last two days we've been camping out at the hospital. They want to do another heart cath on her, so see if the new stint has a blockage, or what is going on.
At Costco, they told us her heart was barely quivering.
She told me it felt like a bad dream that she couldn't wake up from.
I don't understand. She was getting so much stronger. Feeling so much healthier!
Now...she has broken ribs...sadness...scared to know what is going to happen.
The lady who saved her life came to the hospital last night. She said she carried the mouth to mouth piece in her purse for twenty years, with never using it. She lives an hour away! She was down, returning something to the store. The man who did the chest compressions was an off duty fireman who wasn't from here either!
Dawn, told me yesterday that she almost stayed in the car to wait for Lana, at Costco.But, she felt led to go in...what if? She said,"What if I hadn't of...Lana would of come back with me gone!"
The Lord works in mysterious ways. She is still with us for a reason. I wonder what this day will hold. It is so important to wake up and give our days over to the Lord. We never know what will happen.
The story isn't quite over! Last night, the kids were home, Lana's kids' were home and we were all over at the hospital. Lana, gets a phone call from her Caleb, he can't find the 3 year old, Josiah! It was in the low-low 20's last night! So, while she's on the phone with him, I call Garhett and tell him to go over there and start looking for him! See, we live next door to Lana and Dawn lives next door to her. So, Mitchell and Garhett run over there.....he isn't to be found. So, I call my kids again and tell them to start looking in the orchard and everywhere!! Trent is about ready to call 911....Lana, Trent and my niece Allise start heading out to go home. They are clear down the hall, when Tori calls me and tells me they found him! I ran out of the room trying to call to voice is gone! They didn't hear me!!!  So, I ran all the way down the hall....people looking at me as if I'd gone crazy!...I caught them at the elevators!!!
Caleb, was watching distracted and Josiah decided he wanted to visit Momo (Dawn). He doesn't understand she is at the hospital again. So, he goes to my kids were downstairs and didn't know he was there! He then went through the upper orchard, into Dawn's house and he was hiding under a bush outisde! He only had his pajamas on and boots! My kids and Lana's kids were running all over, yelling his name....when Seth saw him under the bush! Garhett grabbed him and he clung to him. Garhett, took him in by the fire to warm him!
I am ready for some calmness and peace................!
Well...I better get the kids around and head over to the hospital.
Come Lord Jesus, come!


  1. So privileged to have met you and family in person!!

  2. Marci,
    I am also glad we were able to meet and visit some! I am so impressed with how you have trained your children (young adults). It shows!!
    I wish we lived closer, but someday soon we could have our "country homes" close to each other!! Blessings my dear friend! Glad you are safely home!!
