Monday, September 24, 2012


We are really socked in with smoke today. The forecast for the week is....smoke! Our air quality is again in the hazardous zone.
I seem to be really struggling with it today. I have really never been affected that much by the weather. This is different. I am so tired, my muscles are affected and my asthma. It's so difficult to the body to deal with this "air". What blows me away is people who are standing out in this air, smoking!! You would think they would be having a difficult time as it is, without the added cigarette in their hand! So sad! Some folks are walking around, driving around as if the air was cool and crisp. Part of it...people are tired of it. They just want things back to "normal". I don't really remember what that is!
Rhett went back to school and Garhett started his college classes, today. The rest of us are on a roll with school! There's no sunshine to distract us!
Speaking of school........I better get back at it!


  1. Been thinking about you and will continue to pray for your family.

    1. Marci, thank you. The wind came in last night and we saw blue sky today! By this afternoon the smokey air was returning and the smoke started covering the mountains, but it was easier to breathe! I have been thinking and praying for you as well. Blessings!
