Wednesday, October 3, 2012

In His Watchful Care

Honestly, I can handle stress and meet deadlines pretty well. I keep a level head on most things. I kind of  "lost it" yesterday. It seemed like I had all of these things to complete. No matter how much I worked on them I couldn't get ahead.
-I needed to find Seth's home study paperwork, but it wasn't there!! I looked and looked and sister-in-law, Tina came to my mind while I was praying. I remember her wanting to look at it, so I texted her to ask her.....
I took Mitch and Tori to their piano and violin lessons, then headed to the store for a couple of things. I am on a tight budget and prayed about the things we joke, everything I needed was on sale or under $2.00! He was watching out for me.
While I was shopping, trying to "let go" of all my trials, my cell phone rang. It was my sis, Tina. She was at work and told me she hadn't taken the home study. I told her I had given some of Seth's papers to our new social worker (for foster care) and I needed them back. She was going to make copies of them, but I hadn't seen her in three weeks. Tina, told me she was out of the office until next week. She asked me why I needed them and I told her for the re- adoption of Seth. She told me she would go look for them and make copies of them and give me mine. I felt a huge weight leave me.
She later called me and while she was on the phone she found my papers and made a copy for the other gal! Such an answer to prayer.
With that weight gone, I had to focus on our post-adoption stuff. After we brought Seth home, our social worker had to visit us a few times. She did, but she decided to stop doing adoptions, so just dropped us! Just like that! Even after we had paid her!! We went back and forth with her, so did our agency. We finally just dropped it. To re adopt we needed those papers! I didn't know what to do.....I prayed and tried to let it go!
That evening....Rhett came home and told me he was taking me to dinner. He is so thoughtful and knew I needed to be with just him. I poured out all of my troubles to him and he prayed with me. He told me that he thought I was doing to much. He felt guilty that I am pulled in all these different directions. I reassured him I wouldn't change anything in my life...these are trials and I will be a stronger Christian, once I got through them.
We went home and I started working on the kids EALR's and SLP's for their school. We found a virtual school who will still cover the cost of our children to play the violin and piano. There were lots of hoops to get through and I had to finish it. I like to finish things up early and I did, but there were lots of things added to it.
While I was working on that the phone was ringing off the hook. Rhett, answered them and it was all about GYC coming up. Questions about hotel bookings, rides, meals, etc. So, that started Rhett into thinking we needed to book our hotel. We received two free nights in a hotel, this summer and we were hoping to redeem them for GYC. Rhett, started looking for them. They weren't in the place he put them. So, he was rummaging around. The kids were finishing their homework, Garhett was studying for a test and Rhett, was still looking. I was so engrossed into what I was doing, I hadn't realized the time that had gone by. All of a sudden, Rhett came running up to the computer with a manila envelope in his hand.
He said, "Look at this! It has never been opened! It was in the back of our bill folder!"
It was the full report of our post adoption! Where had it come from? What? Neither one of us remember receiving it in the mail!
We fell to our knees in tears...our children gathered around us in a thanksgiving of prayer to the One who has a continual watchful care over us!
Today, there are blue skies and clean, fresh air!
Praise to the Lord!
P.S.~ Rhett never found the hotel papers, but he found something worth much more!

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